Bu Kwan Jang Nim Jason is currently a 4th Degree Black Belt and has been with the West Coast World Martial Arts Association since 2007. He is an avid martial artist, first introduced in 1986, and 35-years later still enjoys teaching mixed martial arts to students of all ages.
In July of 2020, he tested for his 4th degree black belt in the middle of a pandemic, demonstrating true mental and emotional strength.
In the presence of the entire West Coast Association and alongside the other Master Instructors from across the United States, BKJN Jason was awarded his Master Instructor Certification and his 4th Degree Black Belt, representing proficiency in the curriculum at the Mastery Level.
As a loyal West Coast Black Belt, BKJN's skill go far beyond the mat. When he is not in the studio, teaching students, you will find him working at many University Hospitals across the U.S. caring for his patients and teaching medical residents the art of Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery.
BKJN Jason is currently a practicing Physician Assistant with a 30-year history in healthcare.
My journey began in 1986, at the age of 9 when I saw my first GI and was awarded my first white belt. It was in a small local studio in Modesto, California, run by Sensei Ken Polite.
As a child we are not in control of our situation and after only a few months I would be uprooted and relocated 3 states away. However, the seed was planted and the mission was destined.
I would find myself walking back into the same studio, only under different ownership, 19-years later, and would continue my constant and never-ending journey toward Mastery!
As a martial artist, training extends far beyond the studio and on the mat. A martial artist will carry the skill everywhere one goes. I have had the great honor to show my kids that I too will always be a student and continue to train and sacrifice wherever we may go.
By Stewart Emery
MASTERY in one’s career and consciousness growth simply requires that we constantly produce results beyond and out of the ordinary. Mastery is a product of consistently going beyond our limits. For most people, it starts with technical excellence in a chosen field and a commitment to that excellence. If you are willing to commit yourself to excellence, to surround yourself with things that represent this and miracles, your life will change. (When we speak of miracles, we speak of events or experiences in the real world, which are beyond the ordinary).
It’s remarkable how much mediocrity we live with, surrounding ourselves with daily reminders that the average is the acceptable. Our world suffers from terminal normality. Take a moment to assess all of the things around you that promote your being “average.” These are the things that keep you powerless to go beyond a “limit” you arbitrarily set for yourself. The first step to mastery is the removal of everything in your environment that represents mediocrity, removing those things that are limiting. One way is to surround yourself with friends who ask more of you than you do. Didn’t some of your best teachers, coaches, parents, etc.?
Another step on the path to mastery is the removal of resentment toward masters. Develop compassion for yourself so that you can be in the presence of masters and grow from the experience. Rather than comparing yourself and resenting people who have mastery, remain open and receptive; let the experience be like the planting of a seed within you that, with nourishment, will grow into your own individual mastery.
You see, we are all ordinary. But a master, rather than condemning himself for his “ordinariness,” will embrace and use it as a foundation for building the extraordinary. Rather than using it as an excuse for inactivity, he will use it as a vehicle for correcting, which is essential in the process of attaining mastery. You must be able to correct yourself without invalidating or condemning yourself, to accept results and improve upon them. Correct, don’t protect. Correction is essential to power and mastery.
IMPROVEMENT. Black Belt Excellence, Sir!
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"It's in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped" - TONY ROBBINS
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